Home > Make It Count 2 > Findings > Professional Practice > 3. Plan
Standard 3: Plan
Plan for and implement responsive mathematics pedagogy for Indigenous learners that is culturally, academically and socially inclusive: be intentional, be responsive, be effective. All students will benefit.
Each of the Cluster Findings below has examples of Cluster people 'in action' - such as teacher stories - which bring the Cluster Findings to life. A PDF of each story can also be downloaded.
Cluster finding 3.1: Experiences
Design mathematical learning experiences that have family and community significance.
Cluster finding 3.3: Language
Explicitly teach learners mathematical language and symbols so they can articulate and represent
what, how and why they are learning and understanding.
Cluster finding 3.4: Resilience
Explicitly help learners develop and maintain positive attitudes to mathematics. Develop positive dispositions, resilience, and skills that equip learners to solve problems whatever the context.
Cluster finding 3.5: Framework
Have a theoretically informed framework that enables teachers to plan authentic and meaningful learning with the flexibility to take advantage of “teachable moments”. Be aware that a research-based, locally tailored program that is flexible and responsive to local contexts and students delivers higher outcomes than imported commercial programs.
Cluster finding 3.6: Student voice
Realise that responsive mathematics pedagogy builds on student voice, recognition of diverse ways of learning mathematics and connection to worlds beyond the classroom (both local and non-local).
Cluster finding 3.7: Kinaesthetic
Use kinaesthetic pedagogical practices as a point of entry to abstract mathematics knowledge.
Cluster finding 3.8: Pathways
Include multiple pathways and approaches to learning that allow students to investigate a range of mathematical concepts and methods and strategies.
Cluster finding 3.9: Narrative
Use narrative and discussion to allow students to feel personally connected to the mathematics.
Cluster finding 3.10: Backward map
Backward map the learning sequence. Begin with the outcomes and final product that will go home to parents/family/community and then backward map the process and progression of knowledge.
Cluster finding 3.11: Represent
Encourage learners to represent their learning and thinking in a range of formats (e.g. verbally, physically, symbolically and with technology and not just pencil and paper).
Cluster finding 3.12: Passion
Stimulate a passion for mathematics in teachers by finding intersections with other fields of knowledge (e.g. the arts).
Cluster 3.13: All benefit
Recognise that the most effective practices for Indigenous students are also of benefit to all students; so avoid segregation of mathematics curriculum.