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Learning Styles
Learning Styles
Learning styles and writing in mathematics
A PDF file from the U.K. Department of Education outlining how the theory applies to mathematics.
Different learning styles in mathematics teaching Miriam Liston
A PDF file reporting a research project in Ireland that suggests a move towards a more problem oriented teaching approach would be beneficial for the future of teaching and learning mathematics and recommends a constructivist approach to teaching and learning so that students play an active part in developing their knowledge and in turn apply such learning strategies to their own classroom practice.
A User's Guide to Learning Styles and Maths Tools
Four mathematical learning styles are discussed.
Learning Styles in Mathematics Classrooms
Research by Stephen Keast, Monash University..."There are two learning styles (separate and connected knowing) and two associated teaching styles (separate and connected teaching)" The Seven Learning Styles Overview
Seven learning styles: Visual, Aural, Verbal, Physical, Logical, Social and Solitary are identified that can assist teachers and students in their approach to learning.
The Logical - Mathematical Learning Style
A description of the Logical learning style used for mathematical reasoning.