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Weblinks are contributed by the community with a focus on all areas relevant to the Engaging All Students community. Community members share weblinks that they have found valuable to build their professional knowledge and practices in teaching students from diverse backgrounds and learning experiences. The following are categories of web resources for this community. We welcome community members adding further categories.
- English as an added language or dialect students
- High achievers and gifted students
- Students who have special needs and
- Students at risk in keeping up with their learning
Curriculum Planning and Design
- Learning experiences
- Learning styles
- Resilience and well being
- Contextualised teaching
- Affirmative strength based pedagogies
- Deep Learning pedagogies
- Big Questions, rich enquiry
- Challenged-based learning, (project-based learning)
- Applications and Modelling
Catering for Diversity
Weblinks in the Catering for Diversity section are resources contributed by members of the Engaging All Students community and reflect the research, thoughts and exemplar mathematics curriculum that will challenge all students including those with English as an added language or dialect, high achievers and gifted students or those who have special needs or at risk keeping up with their learning.
Differentiated teaching is a key pedagogy for the Engaging All Students community. Differentiation is instructional design that meets differing learners’ needs and applies to content, process and product. Differentiated teaching provides for a wide range of students. Teachers can cast a wider net by allowing students some control over the level of difficulty that they are working at, modifying set tasks and problems so they allow for more solutions or a wider range of responses and this approach encourages the use of multiple models.
Learning Styles
All students have different learning styles so approach mathematics differently. The Engaging All Students community will consider how mathematics teachers can help students succeed by accessing the full range of students' learning strengths.
Authentic Learning
Authentic tasks encourage students to find ways of solving rich mathematical tasks themselves. Student apply their mathematical content knowledge and skills to a broad range of real-world problems.
Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences developed in 1983 has been very influential in education world wide. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential. All students will have abilities and learning strengths in more than one intelligence. The Multiple Intelligences theory aligns with the pedagogies for differentiated and personalised learning.