Home > Make It Count 2 > Findings > Professional Practice > 4. Environment
Standard 4: Environment
Create and maintain learning environments in which Indigenous learners feel safe and supported: be sensitive, be demanding, be supportive.
Each of the Cluster Findings has examples of Cluster people 'in action' - such as teacher stories - which bring the Cluster Findings to life. A PDF of each story can also be downloaded.
Cluster finding 4.1: Connections
Recognise that learning happens most effectively when relationships between learners and teachers are positive, and when connections between family and school are mutually supportive.
Cluster finding 4.2: Expectations
Hold and convey high expectations of learners – and of yourself as a teacher of Indigenous learners.
Cluster finding 4.3: Confidence
Remember that mastery of a skill in mathematics produces the confidence and enthusiasm to master further skills – a cycle that can be nurtured to produce exponential growth.
Cluster finding 4.4: Risk Taking
Encourage risk taking - this is an integral part of mathematics learning - in an environment that prepares students adequately for an ultimately successful outcome from risks taken.
Cluster finding 4.5: Role Models
Promote successful role models of learners and mathematicians, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, to raise expectations and contribute to improving levels of student engagement and attendance.
Cluster finding 4.6: Cross-age
Use older students as mentors for younger students as this improves the mathematical understanding of both.