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Cluster findings

These Make it Count Cluster Findings have been aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teaching. Many of the findings derive from Significant Episodes for educators. Find out about the cluster's intentions and the important stories its educators - their Signficant Episodes - that impacted their teaching.

Cluster finding 2.2: Curriculum

Know the mathematics curriculum and how each mathematics concept can build on, connect with, and lead to other concepts dynamically, not necessarily vertically.

Cluster finding 3.2: Learning goal

Practice explicit and scaffolded teaching with a defined and planned learning goal for each lesson that is shared with students to orient them to the learning.

Cluster finding 3.5: Framework

Have a theoretically informed framework that enables teachers to plan authentic and meaningful learning with the flexibility to take advantage of “teachable moments”. Be aware that a research-based, locally tailored program that is flexible and responsive to local contexts and students delivers higher outcomes than imported commercial programs.

Cluster finding 6.2: Expertise

Share expertise between schools to grow and enrich professional learning communities.

Cluster finding 6.3: Feedback

Be both a mentor and a learner, as the act of giving and receiving feedback establishes safe, respectful relationships conducive to critical engagement and change.

Cluster finding 6.8: Research

Develop pedagogy through site-based, whole-school, collegial, data-driven professional learning that builds on a strong established research base. For teachers, lesson observation and feedback is at the heart of sharing professional knowledge.