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"Maths Sites Worth Visiting" downloadable PDF:
Australian Curriculum Focused Sites |
AAMT Top Drawer https://topdrawer.aamt.edu.au/ A resource with support for fractions; mental computation; geometric reasoning; patterns; reasoning; and statistics.
ABC Education https://education.abc.net.au/home#!/resources/-/mathematics Thousands of free educational learning resources, videos, games, multi-media digibooks and articles for P – 10, all aligned with the Australian Curriculum.
Australian Curriculum Framework: Mathematics https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/mathematics/ The source of Curriculum descriptions and sequence of learning per year level.
Money Smart teaching resources (ASIC) Each unit of work and digital activity has an Australian Curriculum mapping document.
ReSolve Searchable tasks (F-10) with a focus on reasoning and problem-solving.
Scootle (Mathematics) https://www.scootle.edu.au/ec/acSubject?name=%22Mathematics%22 Quality assured, free resources linked directly to each strand within the Australian Curriculum Framework: Mathematics.
TES Australia https://www.tes.com/en-au/teaching-resources Contains a variety of teacher-generated resources, including resources with links to the Australian Curriculum Framework.
Australian State-based Education Resources |
FUSE Primary (Victoria) https://fuse.education.vic.gov.au/ResourcePackage/LandingPage?objectId=9c94977a-b0ff-42a9-9170-313badf8d705&SearchScope=Primary
FUSE Secondary (Victoria) https://fuse.education.vic.gov.au/VC/Secondary?mathematics
NSW: Resources to support Stages 1 to 3
NSW: Resources to support Stages 4 and 5
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/p-10/aciq/learning-areas/mathematics/teaching The QCAA provides a suite of resources to support teachers of years P – 10.
South Australian Teachers and Leaders Resource https://acleadersresource.sa.edu.au/resources/working-with-curriculum/mathematics/ The South Australian Teachers and Leaders Resource site has a great set of ideas and resources to look through.
International Sites |
NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics) (UK) https://www.ncetm.org.uk/ Excellent resources for teaching for mastery.
NCTM Illuminations (US) https://illuminations.nctm.org/Search.aspx?view=search&type=ac Online, interactive resources for learners and educators to use; searchable and organised by year level and strand of Mathematics.
NRICH (UK) Free, online mathematics resources for ages covering all stages of schooling. The activities are ‘low threshold, high ceiling’ with a focus on developing problem solving and they encourage exploration and discussion.
NZ Maths Well-organised and a great resource for problem solving.
Problem Solving by Visualisation |
Convince Me That (US) A series of PowerPoint slides with a provocation per slide (K – 10).
Estimation 180 Activities to support measurement estimation.
Math for Love (US) A range of engaging challenges and games-based learning opportunities (K – 10)
Math Talks (also includes Pattern Talks) http://www.mathtalks.net/nt-5-8.html A series of provocations with examples of students’ responses – some correct, others with misconceptions – which are very good discussion starters (4 - 10).
Open-Middle (US) A series of searchable tasks in strands, many using the 0 – 9 digits in challenges. All have multiple solutions (K – 12).
Same Surface, Different Deep Structure (SSDD) (US) Searchable problems with a gentle entry problem and then associated, more demanding aspects explored (5 - 12).
Think Mathematically https://buildingmathematicians.wordpress.com/author/markchubb3/ A resource by Mark Chubb with great sets of ideas and activities.
Visualpatterns.org (US) http://www.visualpatterns.org/ A set of pattern-growth problems, which are great for thinking algebraically, particularly to continue patterns and find rules (K – 10).
Which One Doesn’t Belong (US) Sets of 4 visuals where the learner must give a reason why each doesn’t belong to the set (P – 12).
Would You Rather (US) http://www.wouldyourathermath.com/would-you-rather-38-2/ Choose between two provocations and decide mathematically which is best (P – 10).
Technology Focussed Sites |
Casio http://www.casio.edu.shriro.com.au/ Calculator technology and classroom resources.
Desmos https://www.desmos.com/calculator Significant teaching resources and access to powerful graphing software.
Geogebra https://www.geogebra.org/?lang=en-AU Graphing capabilities and many dynamic simulations.
Texas Instruments https://education.ti.com/en-au Lots of teacher and student support.
Virtual Manipulatives |
Coin Toss
Dice (4-sided to 20-sided)
Isometric Drawing Tool NCTM: https://www.nctm.org/Classroom-Resources/Illuminations/Interactives/Isometric-Drawing-Tool/
Pattern Blocks https://apps.mathlearningcenter.org/pattern-shapes/
Playing Cards
Spinners NRich: https://nrich.maths.org/6717 NCTM: https://www.nctm.org/adjustablespinner/
Various Tools from Toy Theatre https://toytheater.com/category/teacher-tools/virtual-manipulatives/
Subscription Required Sites (With Fees) |
Maths 300 An excellent set of stimulating lessons worth talking about! Australian made. Mathematics Task Centre http://mathematicscentre.com/taskcentre/ From the developers of many of the Maths 300 suite.
Sites with Tasks and Philosophy |
Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT) (AUS) https://www.amt.edu.au/sandpit The Sandpit is a set of challenging problems for Years 3 – 12 that are freely available as are some other resources from the AMT. Others, such as the Maths Challenge, Maths Enrichment or the annual Australian Mathematics Competition have a cost.
Dr Paul Swan (WA Maths Educator) Lots of really good games and activities. https://drpaulswan.com.au/planning/ https://drpaulswan.com.au/product-category/games/ https://drpaulswan.com.au/number-resources/ https://drpaulswan.com.au/teaching-at-home/
Math for Love (US) Range of engaging challenges and many games-based learning opportunities (K – 10).
Mathematics Task Centre: Maths at Home Support http://www.bom.gov.au/tas/forecasts/hobart.shtmlhttp:/www.mathematicscentre.com/news.htm A great site that has been developed to support home learning from the people who brought us Maths 300 – Doug Williams and Charlie Lovatt. It features free tasks from the extensive Mathematics Task Centre Suite.
Peter Liljedahl http://www.peterliljedahl.com/ Building thinking classrooms and using vertical whiteboards.
SiMERR SiMERR provides resources for educators, including the successful Quick Smart program.
YouCubed (US) Home of Jo Boaler, famous for her work on a Maths growth mindset. Many engaging tasks organised in Year levels (P – 10).
Mathematical Associations (Australia) |
Australia’s mathematical associations provide quality professional learning and resources for mathematics teachers and engaging activities for students.
Australian Association of Mathematics Teacher (AAMT) If you are a member of MAT, you are also by default a member of AAMT. This means that you have access to discounts on their webshop resources and to your choice of (one of, for individual members) their journals. You will also receive member discounts for AAMT’s professional learning. There are also some excellent AAMT Mathematics communities, including: Early Years in Learning - http://connectwith.earlyyears.aamt.edu.au/ Make it Count with Indigenous Learners - http://connectwith.indigenous.aamt.edu.au/ Maths in Action - http://connectwith.mathsinaction.aamt.edu.au/
Canberra Mathematical Association (CMA) http://www.canberramaths.org.au/
Mathematical Association of New South Wales (MANSW)
Mathematical Association of South Australia (MASA) https://www.masaonline.org.au/
Mathematical Association of Tasmania (MAT)
Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV) https://www.mav.vic.edu.au/Home
Mathematical Association of Western Australia (MAWA)
Mathematics Teachers’ Association of the Northern Territory (MTANT)
Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers (QAMT)
MAT is also an affiliate of the Network of Education Associations of Tasmania
"Maths Sites Worth Visiting" downloadable PDF: