Home > Engaging All Students > Resources > Curriculum
The Curriculum section of the Engaging All Students community comprises essential foundation documents for teaching and learning in the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics and Diversity advice.
Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (MCEETYA, 2008)
Australian Curriculum: Mathematics
ACARA Student Diversity
This document provides a conceptual framework for approaching diversity in education.
Australian Curriculum | Student Diversity
These links provide definitions, explanations and guidance for the following Student Diversity areas.
- Students with a Disability
- Gifted and Talented, High Achieving
- Students with EALD
- Personalised learning
Diversity Learning Resources
The following links provide classroom and whole school advice and specific resource and learning materials.
- Good Teaching Inclusive Schools – Disability Focus-Learners First -Tasmanian DoE (pdf)
- Good Teaching Differentiated Classroom Practice Learning for All -Learners First -Tasmanian DoE (pdf)
- Autism
- English as an Added Language
- Gifted and Talented
- Koorie Learning Resources
- Students with a Disability