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Unit 4: Principles of algorithm design

In Area of Study 2 students encounter a variety of more sophisticated algorithm design patterns, and apply their knowledge of these to construct an improved solution for the problem posed in Area of Study 1. In Area of Study 3 students
learn about the hard limits to computability, and that there are computational problems which cannot be solved using any kind of computational machinery.

Area of Study 1: Formal algorithm analysis

Area of Study 2: Advanced algorithm design

Area of Study 3: Universality of computation and algorithms

Area of Study 1: Formal algorithm analysis

In this area of study, students investigate the correctness and efficiency of algorithms using mathematical techniques.

Area of Study 2: Advanced algorithm design

In this area of study, students examine more advanced algorithm design patterns.

Area of Study 3:Universality of computation and algorithms

In this area of study, students examine computation as a universal concept that is independent of programming languages and computer hardware.